More on money leading credit
Friday, June 26, 2009 at 04:00PM
Simon Ward

The table below provides further evidence that money leads credit around the trough of the economic cycle.

The table dates the lows in the six-month rates of change of UK M4 and M4 lending around the recession troughs in the mid 1970s, early 1980s and early 1990s. Money bottomed about a year before credit in all three cases.

Six-month M4 growth – on the Bank of England's adjusted measure – appears to have troughed in the fourth quarter of 2008. Based on the historical lead, bank lending could remain weak until late 2009 / early 2010.

Providing recent faster money growth is sustained, an economic recovery can coexist with ongoing lacklustre credit trends. Lending constraints could become an issue as the upswing develops but by that stage banks' balance sheets and risk appetite may have improved significantly. 

Date of trough in six-month growth M4 M4 lending Lag
Mid 1970s Q3 1974 Q3 1975 4Q
Early 1980s Q1 1982 Q2 1983 5Q
Early 1990s Q1 1993 Q1 1994 4Q
Current Q4 2008*    
* M4 excluding intermediate OFCs      
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