UK November money data confirm weak H1 outlook
Friday, January 2, 2009 at 02:28PM
Simon Ward

Foreigners cut their net sterling lending to UK banks by a further £12 billion in November after a £36 billion reduction in September and October, according to detailed Bank of England monetary statistics. The withdrawal of foreign funding may have contributed to the further tightening of banks’ lending standards over the last three months reported in the latest Credit Conditions Survey, also released today. The stock of foreign net sterling lending to banks stood at £152 billion at the end of November, implying the potential for a further significant outflow.

Other key features of the detailed monetary data for November include:

Recent monetary trends are consistent with the recession continuing until mid-2009 but a recovery is still possible later in the year if policy changes to emphasise direct measures to lift money and credit growth. By contrast, further Bank rate cuts and sterling depreciation are likely to confer little stimulus and may prove counterproductive if they serve to accelerate foreign withdrawals from the banking system.

Article originally appeared on Money Moves Markets (
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